DataCicada & Tympana

DataCicada, is Rochester, NY-based company that deals in data management, research and development.

Timeline of my working relationship with DataCicada.

One Pagers
DataCicada was in need of two one pagers to hand out at the conference. One of them was for their data management services, and the other was to promote their new machine learning model, Tympana. ​​​​​​​
First Iterations
In the end, we went with two light backgrounds, both for consistency, legibility, and ink usage reduction. ​​​​​​​

DataCicada One Pager

Tympana One Pager

Presentation Templates
I created an accompanying slide deck for presentations on stage and at the booth. This task 

Paul Yacci, CTO and co-founder, presenting at Flower City AI Conference.

Booth Design
I took into account how each element would play into a cohesive booth design. This included making sure the event organizers used blue tablecloths and curtains for each of the hundreds of booths. That may have been a happy accident, but it did draw the whole presentation together.
Here is the final look of the booth! My partner on this project, Serina Lin, designed the stand-up banners, holographic stickers, and the business cards.
LinkedIn Header
After the conference, I continued to work with DataCicada on building their digital assets. This included a new LinkedIn header, building off the same stylistic approach I took to the one pagers.
What I Learned
I'm so glad that DataCicada was one of my first clients as a working designer. Collaborating with them, I learned how to maintain consistent, effective client communication, and manage a project from start to finish. I gained experience in experiential design while preparing for the conference, and solidified my Canva skills for their templates. 
My relationship with DataCicada has taught me some of the most valuable interpersonal and technical skills that I will carry with me long into my career.
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